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April 2010

Galata is a beautiful village located in the highlands of Troodos in Cyprus. The traditional architecture of the houses in Galata, with impressive wooden balconies and stairs decorating the front of the houses facades, led the Cyprus government in collaboration with European Union to fund a project for the conservation of 30 houses facades located in the centre of Galata Village. 

G&N Architects undertook a comprehensive assessment of the buildings and the site: understanding the extent of surviving traditional work, discovering the course of architectural changes over time and evaluating the significance of earlier interventions. The project aimed to preserve the elements of the traditional build environment (form, colour, decoration, construction, materials, etc). 

A catalogue with the different types of doors, windows, handrails, etc. was created in order to retrieve authenticity for the houses facades characteristics. Finally, we presented for each house any historical information gathered, the current situation as well as the proposal for the facades conservation including construction details.


Proposed facade renovation 

Road Site Plan (30 houses)

Road Site Section

Decoration Detail of the traditional balcony of the house

Traditional Door_Type 4

Existing detail photos

Front Facade (proposal)

Construction Details of the Balconies

Traditional Door_ Type 3

Construction Details of the Balconies

Front Facade (proposal)

Traditional Door_ Type 1

Traditional Door_ Type 2

Traditional Yard Door

Metal Window_ Type 1

Traditional Metal Door_ Type 1

Road Site Section

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